Brandon Johnson - Team leader
Brandon is an Electrical Engineering major. Brandon is on the Executive board of Triangle Fraternity.
Angela Schauer - Meeting Facilitator and Chief Engineer Software
Angela is a Software Engineering major, double majoring with LCP German. Her hometown is Farmington, MN.
On campus, she is active in the bands, Tau Beta Pi, and Orchesis 1. She is a Peer Mentor for the Software Engineering Learning Community.
Nathan Oran - Documentation Manager
Nathan is a Senior in Computer Engineering from Omaha, Nebraska. He's also getting a minor in Music Technology.
During his time at Iowa State, he has been an active member and leader in the Marching Band, Basketball Pep Band, and Triangle Fraternity.
Connor Sullivan - Testing Lead
Connor is a Senior in Software Engineering, from Algonquin Illinois.
While at Iowa State, he has become an active member in Triangle Fraternity, the Marching Band, and is a sub for the Pep Band.
Lance Demers - Chief Engineer Hardware

Lance is a Senior in Computer Engineering. He is from Bondurant, IA.
He works for the Music department as a sound engineer, and also at his church.